Read what practices have been saying about Thorup Dental Consulting:
Dear Rob,

I wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed the seminar. My staff and I loved the concept of getting paid for what we do, instead of giving everything away. I have struggled for years in reconciling how to produce very high quality dentistry for my patients versus the cost involved in doing so. This is especially apparent when dealing with those patients whose insurance companies reimburse at such low rates. The system that was explained to us will let us offer high quality dentistry and still get compensated accordingly. It is a win-win for both our office and the patients. I would recommend this seminar to anyone interested in reconciling high quality dentistry with insurance reimbursements. Great job. Loved it.

- Sincerely, Dr S.

Having gone through Dr. Rob’s program has increased the organization, flow, and income in our office. To start the program off, we attended Dr. Rob’s seminar, which was extremely entertaining, very easy to learn, and not to mention the treats were delicious!! He went through simple facts from answering the phones, to new ideas in working with insurance.

We have been able to easily integrate Dr. Rob’s teachings into our every day practice. We are much more consistent with the use of consent forms through the use of his recommended system. The upgrade system has brought a new light, and an increase in revenue, and our patients seem to be happy with the flow and use of it all.

Thanks Dr. Rob for introducing us to this program!

- Sariah, Office Manager

Dr. Rob is the man! He is very knowledgeable, and has well researched his information. His presentation is fun and easy to understand, though hard to believe! But as unbelievable as his program seems, it works! Our office has loved working with Dr. Rob, and it has motivated us to take part in the productivity of our office. His program is so easy, even a hygienist can use it. All of the new codes and use of the website have been an easy transition for all of our staff. It’s great how easy it has been to make more money for the office!

I have been surprised how many patients have opted for the upgrades. My doctor has been paying more for better products and higher lab fees for years, it is so nice now to not lose money when giving patients a better quality product.

- Tiffany, RDH

8 months ago my supply representative noticed that I was struggling to keep my chairs filled and the cash flow coming. He put me in contact with Dr. Rob. What a blessing!! We talked with Dr. Rob and decided to take his seminar and try his ideas. We have been thrilled. We were presented with REAL solutions that we could actually do, not some high-flying consultant with unrealistic ideas. Dr. Rob’s seminar was clear and precise. It explained to us the way we could give our patients options and profit from them. Dr. Rob was always willing to break away and talk to me whenever a question or concern arose. We now feel that we can provide better quality care for our patients and actually afford to do it. Our patients love having the ability to participate in the choices for their dental work. Before, we would always struggle with the paperwork part of dentistry. It was hard to remember to do the consent forms and information sheets. Since we have been following Dr. Rob’s plan, we easily remember to get the consents and our patients are impressed with the quality of the informational handouts and emails we provide to them. We are on track to increase our collections by over $50,000.00 this year by implementing some simple things. We anticipate that will grow each year as we become more and more adept at applying his ideas.

Thanks Dr. Rob.

- Dr. D

"Dr. Rob and Thorup Dental Consulting gave us the best training we have ever taken and implemented into our practice. In less than one year his simple program generated over $680,000 in revenue. This is revenue that would have fallen through the cracks. Not only does our dental team love what they learned, our patients love it as well. That statement only makes sense to those who have taken the My Practice, My Business Training by Dr. Rob. It only took us three weeks to implement most of what we learned. We absolutely loved the training and appreciated the fact it wasn’t filled with “fluff”…like so many other consultants do in their training! I highly recommend this invaluable business training by a dentist who actually practices what he teaches."

Feel free to contact me anytime to verify this statement.

- Molly A Popp, General Manager, 7 Day Dental of Nevada, LLC & Elko Dental Specialists, LLC

Phone: 801-944-9494